Programa do CILX2018

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TítuloThe use of deber (de) + infinitive in the PRESEEA corpus from Seville
AutoríaDoina Repede (Universidad de Sevilla)
ResumoAccording the normative description (RAE, 2010) deber + infinitive presents a deontic function and is used to express obligation, while deber de + infinitive possesses an epistemic function and indicates supposition, conjecture and probability. However, this division has never been categorical in Spanish (cf. Balasch, 2008; Gómez Manzano, 1992; RAE, 1999; Yllera, 1980) and deber and deber de are currently used to express both obligation and probability (Samper, Hernández y Troya, 1998-1999; Blas Arroyo, 2011; Eddington y Silva-Corvalán, 2011).

The aim of this study is to describe the use of deber (de) followed by an infinitive in Seville to find out if it is a case of free variation or the alternation could be conditioned by different factors. For that, we analyse a sample of 48 oral interviews of high and low sociolects, taken from the Corpus PRESEEA-Seville which includes the period between 2009 and 2017. We base our study on a codification template that analyses the possible incidence of different independent variables -social (gender, age, educational level), linguistic (function of the verb -deontic or epistemic, degree of animacity, verbal tense, grammatical person, lexical aspect of the verb, etcetera) and stylistic (tenor and status, interactional phase, etcetera).

The interviews are processed through Sketch Engine programme. In order to see which variables are significant in our analysis, we use the chi-square test (p ? 0,05). This way, we focus our study only on the variables which result significant for the use of deber (de) + infinitive in Seville. In general, the results show the predominance of the variant with preposition and its evident social stratification. At the same time, it seems that the prescriptive distinction is rejected, so that the use of deber de with deontic function prevails in our corpus.
HorarioVenres 15 de xuño | 10:00 - 10:30 | Aula: B5