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Título | From Chandebrito to Nowheresville: comparative vocabulary and idioms for remote distances. |
Autoría | Víctor Fresco Barbeito (Universidade de Vigo) |
Resumo | If we want to mean something very far away, in the Indo-European languages we very easily use demonstratives, prepositions or declensions to locate something behind, beyond or far. What happens when the distance is very large? Then we must make use of differentiated vocabulary or phraseology. The processes for building this specific vocabulary and phraseology in Galician have several ways which can be grouped in: (1) use of blasphemies and bad words, (2) use of religious concepts (seldom simultaneously with the former), (3) reference to foreign locations (usually colonial places) and (4) local reference to places of the Galician territory which can be identified (sometimes invented as expressive creation). Generally this places have associated ideas of: imprecise location, difficulty in the use of means of transportation to reach them, or ignorance or backwardness of their people. Occasionally also of: geophysical or astronomical distances, of a quiet or sheltering areas, solitary or with scarce population, with a unilateral space reference (i. e., there is nothing further, which is on the limit or on the periphery) or a deep, imaginary or mythical position. What is done in languages close to Galician? As far as we have found, the answer varies from one language to another. We can detect that a secondary method of creating expressions in Galician becomes the main procedure (Italian), that the variation in the reference also depends on the language distribution (Toledo or Australia), use of concepts from religion (in English, very used in Portuguese), myth-history (Russian) or bad words (Spanish, Russian), probably expressive creation (English, Russian) or positioning depending on geography (German or French), or even very different, simple methods (Russian). Although not systematic, we do want to share and offer to debate our findings to public reflection. |
Tipo | Comunicación |
Horario | Venres 15 de xuño | 09:00 - 09:30 | Aula: C1 |