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Título | Language policy and planning measures today: beyond Haugen’s model |
Autoría | Gérard Fernández Smith (Instituto de Lingüística Aplicada (ILA), Universidad de Cádiz) |
Resumo | In a previous paper a wider approach to theoretical models within the field of language policy and planning was outlined. Our claim then was that there are a series of alternative political and institutional acts of supervision dealing with different aspects of language use, mainly in the frame of given communicative contexts of the official kind, which surpass the objectives established along the development of Einar Haugen’s well-known model. From this standpoint we intend to prove that language policy and planning today is a much more complex reality than the one seen from the scope of said theoretical concept. In order to achieve our goals, a series of examples of different institutional measures and regulations has been collected, to demonstrate how authorities, public representatives or other social groups, are engaged in the taking of decisions about how languages should be used in given contexts and how standardized certain aspects of these should be. Thus, politically correct language (PLC) and the avoidance of discriminatory uses of language or of hatred discourses are good examples of this, as well as other means of intervention procedures found in the media and other corporative style guides, or within the promotion of languages in the field of education. As a result of this approach, a wider concept of language policy in a general sense and of its theoretical foundations in a more particular one will be presented, by considering, on the one hand, the existence of a micro-policy supervision not related to the level in which its agents are found but to the kind of issues regarding language use that are involved in such measures, and, on the other hand, by continuing the development of an implementation of Haugen’s model in order to display a better account of its aspects and functions nowadays. |
Tipo | Comunicación |
Horario | Venres 15 de xuño | 10:00 - 10:30 | Aula: B4A |